Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, Joy! Egyptians Are Now Free (to Rape American Women)

I PREDICTED THAT THE NITWITS OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA WOULD REGRET AIDING AND ABETTING THE HYSTERIA FOR “CHANGE” in Egypt. Perhaps the more moderate consumers of Kool-Aid among them have already begun to rethink their position now that one of their colleagues, Lara Logan, has been sexually brutalized by the nice pro-democracy activists of Tahrir Square.

Hosni Mubarak was far from an admirable figure as ruler of Egypt. He allowed his cronies to loot the national treasury (although his alleged personal fortune of $70 billion is very likely a fantastic exaggeration) and he regularly failed to protect Egypt’s Christian minority, in fact blaming “foreign hands” for bombing Coptic churches instead of the obvious culprits, Egyptian Moslems. The man after all is himself a Moslem. Nevertheless, he was sensible enough to keep the peace with Israel and to realize that, contrary to Koranic prescriptions, the Arabia of the Dark Ages falls short as a model for a 21st century society. Indeed, compared to what now looms over his country, Mubarak was a prince of a man.

In yet another eerie parallel to the 1979 Iranian revolution, Egypt has its own version of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Moslem Brotherhood. Like Khomeini, he is an elderly cleric living in exile, made popular among his fellow Mohammedans by his hair-raisingly radical pronouncements, who has waited his whole life for the chance to institute “real” Islam in his native land, you know, the kind of righteous religion that bans music, cuts off hands and feet, makes women go around in 120°F wearing a tent, makes Christians pay up not to be slaughtered (right away), and allows Moslem men to express their joy by raping infidel reporters at will. Of course, the politically correct crowd will point out that Qaradawi belongs to the Sunni, rather than the Shiite, flavor of Islamo-thuggery, but I think the readership of this humble blog sees through that particular distinction without a difference.

The Moslem Brotherhood claims they will not run a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections, and I believe them. Someone like al-Qaradawi is not going to condescend to something as Western and as decadent as running for office, especially when there are much easier ways to achieve total power. The good Brothers are as familiar with the triumph of the Islamic Revolution as anyone, and they recognize a successful modus operandi when they see it. So instead of having to worry about actually winning an election, they find it much easier to put their muscle behind some poor doofus (perhaps el-Baradei, perhaps somebody else) who is held up as a moderate consensus candidate, and then when he wins, make him into their puppet. Of course, if President Pinocchio is not compliant enough, they can easily come up with a pretext to get rid of him and install someone who is.

By the grace of God almighty, there shall come a blessed day when Egypt and the rest of the Middle East are free of the shackles Mohammed and his Moslem cutthroats fastened on that part of the world so many centuries ago, but until then, the Mubarak era will look like a golden age compared to what is very likely to come.


  1. Sir,

    you have been warned. we are tireing of your insults to the holy religion of Islam and to the prophet Muhammad, blessings of peace be upon him. Muslims do not rape western whore woman. It is western whore woman that throws themselves at our feet because we are real men in the way of Allah. Western men all practice homosex and wear earrings and tatoos.

    We have tracked down where you live. Consider this your last warning. the faithful will not tolerate insults.

  2. Dear Mr. Butt,

    Thank you for your contribution. It perfectly illustrates the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of Moslems. That is the sole reason for its retention.

    Please encourage all of your Moslem friends to visit this blog. It will do them good to get a point of view opposing the Koran and the ahadith (traditions) of your pretend prophet.
