Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Matter of Survival

Islam is an evil ideology, just like Nazism and Bushido. It may be a religion as well, but that does not in any way excuse the fact that as an ideology it mandates conquest and subjugation and seeks to impose the barbaric customs of 7th century Arabia on the entire world. For that reason, if we wish freedom for ourselves and our progeny, we have no choice but to wage total war on all practitioners of Islam until such a time when they shall cease to be practitioners of Islam whether by persuasion or by death.

Accordingly, I believe nuclear weapons should be deployed against all Pakistani and Iranian nuclear facilities, so as to cause the total destruction of those countries' nuclear programs. Needless to say, the two unholy cities, Mecca and Medina, should be annihilated as well, with multiple ground bursts, so that they would be reduced to uninhabitable craters. Despite whatever bravado Muslims may spout about such a thing making them stronger, it is obvious it would be a tremendous blow to their morale and would cause a great many of them to question the veracity of Islam, for such is human nature.

This should all be done immediately and without warning. No more time should be wasted waiting for the inevitable next major attack, by which time Iran may have nuclear weapons in hand and Pakistan will certainly have added to its already sizable arsenal. No warning could be given because that would allow them to scatter nuclear weapons and save relics from the two cities, such as the accursed Black Stone of the Kaaba.

What would the world look like a week after these events? I expect Muslims would be humbled and subdued. If not, however, they would have to be made to understand that there is plenty more of the same bitter medicine for them. Targeting cities other than Mecca and Medina is something I would do with regret, but as I said, we must wager total war on all practitioners of Islam until such a time when they shall cease to be practitioners of Islam. To pretend that we are not at war with "moderate" Muslims makes no more sense than if someone had taken the same attitude toward moderate Nazis in World War II. Conversely, waging total war on Muslims is no more genocide than doing the same against the Germans and Japanese during the aforementioned conflict was. The goal is to eliminate a behavior, namely the practice of Islam and the attendant jihad, not the killing of individuals. Once the behavior ceases, the war shall cease as well.


  1. Good ideas, but you need to think bigger. Learn about the Winslow Plan at

    Fly with the eagles by reading the Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog daily:

  2. The Kaaba is a relic of the pre-islamic past and belongs in an archeological museum. Mohammed had the abominabel tendency of predestination by annexation of holy places of existing religions. Building the golden dome in Jerusalem on the foundation of the temple of Salomo fits the same bill. His book, the koran, tries to absorb the Thora as well as the bible by predestination. A crime of which christianity is also guilty by calling the Thora the old testament.
