Sunday, February 6, 2011

Liberals Will Cry Bitter Tears

From the White House to the State Department to the New York Times to CNN to the Daily Show, it is hard to fathom what the motley crew agitating for “change” in Egypt hopes to accomplish. Liberals will rue the day they decided to help push out Hosni Mubarak and turn over Egypt to the rule of the Moslem mob. Corrupt and mediocre though the Mubarak regime may be, the bureaucrats of the National Democratic Party at least are sober enough to reject the fanaticism of the Moslem Brotherhood, which is bound to assume power in the event of open elections, either by winning those elections outright or by subverting the process afterwards. Here’s a little pearl of wisdom: “If ten men are willing to vote for what they believe and two men are willing to fight for what they believe, the two will give the law to the ten.”

As it were, there are more than two “Brothers” and they are very much willing to fight; Barack Obama, Anderson Cooper, Jon Stewart and the rest of the dhimmified liberal idiotocracy had better believe that. I close with the Brotherhood’s instructive motto:

“Allah is our goal,
the Prophet our leader,
the Koran our law,
Jihad our way,
dying for Allah our highest hope.
Allahu akbar!

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