Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Professor Juxtaposes the Egyptian Crisis with the 1979 Iranian Revolution

THIS IS AN INTERESTING NARRATIVE OF THE EVENTS OF THE IRANIAN REVOLUTION AND OF THE AMERICAN REACTION. THE PROBLEM IS that the author ignores one essential truth: coexistence with any form of Moslem government is ultimately impossible, and any effort to mold or guide the direction of a country under Moslem rule is bound to be futile. It hardly need be discussed why that is true when dealing with radical Islamists. But even as far as religious moderates, such as the Shah and Hosni Mubarak, the problem is that they inevitably become despised by the great majority of the population because to be a moderate Moslem is, by definition, to be a bad Moslem. Even the ridiculously retrograde rulers of Saudi Arabia—despite their generous financing of radicalism—are seen as not being radical enough merely because they accept coexistence with the West on some level. Why, that’s really pretty much what is behind Osama bin Laden’s beef with the world!

So, say what you will, but the only way to have peace on this planet will ultimately be to destroy Islam or surrender to Islam. Those who find the latter choice unacceptable, must realize that in order to kill this cancer of a religion, every presently Islamic country should be ruled by Christians, native Christians where they are present, or foreign military officers where not. The population should be strongly encouraged to convert. To that end, mosques and other Islamic buildings should be ruthlessly destroyed, regardless of esthetic or historical considerations, and clerics and die-hards should be dealt with harshly.

If this proves too much for us to stomach, then we must accept that our children and all future generations will be fighting Moslems or, even more likely, be swallowed up by Moslem fanaticism and sky-high birthrates.

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